History of AAW France
Photo taken in 2003
HISTORY of AAW in France
AAW France became an official “Association loi 1901” in 2006 - roughly the equivalent of a non-profit association in the USA .
This historical event was an important continuum in the long line of pro-peace and anti-war groups organised by Americans living in France who stood up and protested against the invasion of Vietnam and against the Gulf War in 1991.
Together with other Americans, original members of these groups came forth and marched against the war on Iraq. Recently AAW members marched in the streets of Paris with banners saying, "No to the War on Iraq, Afghanistan and No to NATO".
In the past these protest groups were either disbanded or became dormant until the next major invasion by the American government.
By becoming a permanent association, AMERICANS AGAINST THE WAR-FRANCE (AAW France) has taken the protesting one step further: we now have an organization where we can continuously act against the permanent state of war engaged in by the United States government.
This historical event was an important continuum in the long line of pro-peace and anti-war groups organised by Americans living in France who stood up and protested against the invasion of Vietnam and against the Gulf War in 1991.
Together with other Americans, original members of these groups came forth and marched against the war on Iraq. Recently AAW members marched in the streets of Paris with banners saying, "No to the War on Iraq, Afghanistan and No to NATO".
In the past these protest groups were either disbanded or became dormant until the next major invasion by the American government.
By becoming a permanent association, AMERICANS AGAINST THE WAR-FRANCE (AAW France) has taken the protesting one step further: we now have an organization where we can continuously act against the permanent state of war engaged in by the United States government.